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Yeah, mock exam is this coming Monday.

Hey Monday, I'm homecoming!!


and look at me, what the hell am I doing here now???

Aren't I suppose to study??

By the way, I certainly feeling sick. Seriously.

Well, today's SPS was a great class. The LLB lecturers are good. They are fast and furious. Seriously they are good.

SOMEHOW, my great day was ruined thanks to the BLOODY KTM. They LOVE TO DELAY. I was 15 minutes late. Not to forget on Wednesday I was late again, many thanks to KTM. Will you ever be efficient?

I guess readers also will get bored on me, I don't know how many times I had mentioning about this KTM issue. I won't stop, I guess.

Get a life lah (quoted from Sue Peng).

I should go and have my shower and sleep...opps...study.


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