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From the beginning, I just think we are just friends But time goes by, without rhyme or reason, I fell in love with you"

this is the man who said like that to his future girlfriend to be. He never cares about the girls past (yes, something bad...really, really bad)

I'm surprise. If I'm that man, will I do the same? You know, the guy know about girl's secret from the beginning. He always protect the girl and cares about her. Amazing guy indeed.

Anyway, I wish them happiness for externally

I received a call this morning.

It was someone reminding me the day.. She thought I forgot about it..

ha.ha. how can I forget about it...Is so much important for me..

yet it brings out the most...Never mind.

Is not important anyway.


I still got 3 papers to go!

see ya around!

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