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So yesterday was Earth Hour! You guys know about it right? So I took part, and I don't knon whether readers had tempted to try it out when I first talked about it in previous weeks.

So this is before, I was quite excited, check on the time, check things that I need for later. While, mum was as exited as I'm except my dad.

Sharp 8.30, the whole thing became like this. haha! Well, only my house. Others...and the Hong Leong bank's management didn't join the campaign, so the streets lights running as usual.

Thanks to my parents, that they are willing to tag along, otherwise, I will just shut myself inside my room, well, do my part at least. hohoho

Anyway, many friends of mine, said by just one hour is not enough, is true, we had been attacking the earth for like many, many years, one hour, won't help that much. Moreover, is only happened once a year. I don't think there's a billion peeps out there had join this campaign.

Oh well, remember not to be late for next time, you see, my buddy, Sylvea, she pleads to join, but she's 15 minutes late. LOL Remember the time!!


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