this site the web




From tomorow onward.

I will be hiatus. MIA (Missing in Action) or whatever you want to use.

No one will know where the hell am I.

No, it's not about working stuff. So don't ask about working stuff in here.

I'm cutting ties with anyone, for a moment only, Don't get panic for nothing.

I will not answer any calls and reply any smses. Sorry. In another word, I'm shutting down my my Hp. And yes, on my 012 number. I got two phones okay?

The reason is that, too many things had happened this year.

I had some drastic changes.

So I wanted to recollect myself.

I'm really tired of many things here.


From Sunday onward till next wednesday.
(16th-19th of Nov)

You will not be seeing me online, or blogging but bear with me.

I will back on Wednesday.

Thanks a lot!

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