Written by
, Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:29 PM, in
I love Books.
wahahaha I went to Mid valley yesterday. I'd spend the rest of the day, looking for books. I think I'd went in and went out of MPH and Borders for like hundred times!!! ha.ha. I'm still not that statisfied, tho. As I wanted to buy more!! After hours of scouting and browsing, I found 3 out of 10 books in which I wanted to buy. But I didn't expect to buy William Shakespeare's and Da Vinci. Well, the books I wanted to buy is tooooooo expensive. Totally, out of my budget. So have to save up money to get the 2 philosophy books. But still, I had spent a lot of bucks yesterday. lolz

Ahh, a magnificent Greek writer back in centuries ago. Is not really that complete actually as he had wrote more than 100 play, but only 7 have survived . One of them is, Oedipus Rex. Is translated by Paul Roche. He did a great job of translating it. This book is absolutely a beauty and IS RARE and the price is reasonable. I can finish the book within a day!! he.he. By the way, I read a lot of Greek philosophers. Especially, my fav, Aristotle. he.he.

Seriously, I didn't expect I will buy this book. ha.ha. well, this book was first published in 2003. For many years my friend had recommended this to me. But, I never took interest. Until, one fine day (erm...that was yesterday ha.ha.), I tried to read it, and I found it rather interesting. So, you know what's next ha.ha. I think readers know about this book, right? he.he.

Ahh, one of my favourite. I'd read Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet before. And some of his poems, Sonnets is one of my favourite. Ha.ha. I didn't expect this also. But MPH selling it for Rm19.90. Is super reasonable and is a COMPLETE WORKS!!!!!! OMG....!! SO GOOD THAT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!! wahaahahahahahahaha. Okay, back to reality. For those who really love literature and poem, OMG, get your hand on this book. I tell ya, NO REGRET!!! IS CHEAP and is COMPLETE WORKS!!!
hmm, wanna borrow?
no,no, I'm not stingy. I'm just afraid that you will take it away from me and never return it! Sorry. ha.ha.
And I realised I read a lot of Tragedies plays, but never mind. haaa!
Well, after finishing them, (plan to finish them next month) I wanna buy more books!
I am Legend, The Duck who won the lottery ticket (is a philosopy book! Okay, I don't remember the full title but is something like that) Marley and Me, et cetera.
money gonna fly away......!
In a run!!!
crap, gtg now, taaaa!
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