this site the web

Why Am I here?

What the hell am I doing in here??

I couldn't sleep since 4 am. 4 am!

Dah lar, later, Law exam.

If I get headache later, I'm toasted.

Serious sh!t

Stupid flu, headache, fever, and sore throat.

Feel like wanna yell.

At 4 am, I suddenly woke up, then suddenly feeling cold, yes is very cold, I get up and switch off the air-con. One hour later, my body temperature is freakin' hot.


Why I always get sick during exam time???

Seriously, days ago, I feel like beating people up if they offend me.

Today, I think I will.

I don't care who the hell you are, once you offended me, you gonna pay for it, and the price is high.

Headache, again.

Screw up my day.

Last day some more.

Thank you very much, virus.

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