yoh, Bonjour!
Dear readers, as you notice, I'm using French! I'm interested in French nowadays. I'm learning by myself. Let's just hope, I can pronounce it properly. French words are hard to pronounce. Now I know why French is considered as the hardest language to learn (or it is?)
Oh well, I will get the hang of it.
Today, instead of going to class, I went to Mid valley. Ha.ha No, not for shopping purpose or something else. I went there do buy books! MPH is giving the members extra 5% discount. So I got 20% discount on all kinds of books! Well, the extra 5% is for like 3 days only. Today is the last day. You can still enjoy the discount, if you're non-member, you get 10% while member, 15%.
So for the first time, I travel by myself to Mid valley. And I bought 5 books today, it took me Rm100+. There goes my money. Lazy to talk about what books I'd bought. Those books are amazing. Someday, I will have a big collection of books (spare the comic/manga, I can become a manga seller by now.) Yeah, I'm a geek, whatever.
So, books and French are all in my mind.
How about my studies??
I HAD BEEN LAZY....for million years....
Geez....I remembered about my economics and business studies assignments....(I didn't pass up the work for weeks), let alone, I still need to do some exercise for Law....
I think I'm seriously considering to cut off Internet access. And some other bad habits (but that's impossible)
Or try to do something before it's tooooo late.
Au revoir.
Bonne nuit!
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
8 hours ago
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