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Sadness...and valentine's day.

It's funny acting like nothing wrong with myself.

Well, decided what I should do, perhaps.

I'm much, much better. Thanks to Mikku Ann :)

Although you said you don't even understand what you told me, but I think it'd snapped me out of it. At least by a lil bit.

Just that, I'm still finding it hard to regain my strength. I mean, I'm tired or something like that.

Occasionally when I decided what to do, I tend to omitted something. Thanks to my laziness.

Then, I will sulking around. Or rot around.


By the way, thanks for listen to my ranting, Sylvea. Although, you try to advise me, but....it doesn't work (seriously, it does work, but tiny bit XD)

Well, complex things tend to increasingly

Valentine's day is coming soon. Real soon. Blardy hell, it is on next Saturday.

Celebrate with love one huh?

Guess I will be at home.

What? Lonely? ha.ha.ha

Don't make me laugh. I love to be alone.


The best thing is, someone said I'm not professional. I say, suck it 'X'

Oh come one, what can a single guy like me should do?

Go on depress mode and just go get a pretty looker (mind you, is looker, okay?)?

That is what we call so un-professional.

Well, I'm not pissed, but I'd like to say, "Suck it 'X' "

Oh well, love one means someone you cared, cherish with right? I can go on celebrate with my mum, not to forget my dad, he gotta tags along as who gonna pay the bill? Yes?

Case closed.


Incase readers are upset with the X sign, sorry ya, but it's better to use X rather than f-word, or the b-word, don't chu think? Furthermore, it's just a cross (X), doesn't symbolise anything. Besides, I'm a gentleman. Play cool. We don't talk the talk, we simply do the talk.

Catch me later.

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