Well, I'm very sure that every Malaysian know about the Ipoh changing government.
(sorry for being outdated)
Well, politicians with true faces? Politician always have masks on their face.. They change their mask as fast as you can.
Bota Assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim, on January 26 of 2000, "I believe in PKR and its partners in Pakatan Rakyat are able to be a better coalition of component parties for the people's benefit" as his reason of quiting Umno to join PKR.
yawn...See, generally, human would always want to look good in society, regardless. As, they want to protect their good names.
The fun part is this
Feb 5 of 2009 (3 days ago), "After considering the advise and views of my political partners and those like to see stable political situation and government in Perak, I'm returning to UMNO and the Barisan Nasional."
See? Ha.ha Lameness of a politician. Basically, I don't give a care about politician.
But their words humour me a lot. So, first, you were blaming about UMNO being bad ass lar, that's why you join PKR. Well, perhaps that's right. Then now, you jump ship again. You think this is what? Game? Not every country allow ship jumping ar. I truly believe, ship jumping or, hopping is bound to lead to uncertainty. In my opinion, you there jumping around is definitely with a 'agenda'. Money polictics...hmm....sounds right?
Well, I believe politicians are all like that. That's why I admire them. But hor, not everyone is a brainer.
Let's talk about Anwar
On August 19 last year, "Give me two weeks after Aug 26 as I have gather support from Barisan Nasional Mp's to join the Pakatan Government"
So, Now is 2009. And It's February. Where's your Mp's? The above one? He shifted so fast like doing drift, you know?
Blardy hell.
Man, if you don't have a big head then don't wear a big hat.
So, Anwar supporters wanna hentam me?
Just suck it 'X'
Fuck off lar with your lameness.
Personally wise, who can be a great leader?
Okay, maybe the current leader is a bit...
I wonder Malaysia will ever have Obama.
By the way, if you guys think all the quotes is make up by me, then your wrong.
Go check Star News Paper. Sunday. On Focus, Page 20-21.
So, ISA?
find me lar, I delete this blog right away.
Anyway, I'm not really against the politician, cause future me, maybe wanna be.
Just that, it's such drama...!
fun to read.
Fun to tell.
Fun to write.
And same like when people give you sedekah, you x mau kah? (when people give you dole, you don't want ar?) Sounds familiar?
None stop action indeed.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
9 hours ago
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