No not because of my religion. It's just personal.
See, I had been eating meat for all my life. And it's unhealthy. Think again, those cholesterol and stuff. I wonder I'm still having a low blood pressure. LOL.
Okay, I realised my tummy getting slightly bigger. So it's scare the crap out of me. The fear of getting....(if readers follow my blog everyday, I'm sure you guys had read about Daniel Craig and the big guy)
Strangely, I need a 6 packs badly. I seriously don't want to have a big spare parts (or tyres).
Lately, after watching Ip Man, (Bruce lee's Master), starring Donnie Yen. He's a cool fighter I tell you. I can say, lagi best than Jackie Chan. I mean Donnie Yen is almost perfect. ( No, Sylvea, not because of him, I want to start learning Kung Fu again, it's about private matter for more accurate. Regarding about my safety)
What can you say more?
On par with Daniel Craig, I assure you.
Moreover, who want to have a biggie's scary...ya' know?
The best part is this, we human, are imperfect. You have to sacrifice a lot of stuffs to tone up like Mr.Donnie Yen or Daniel Craig. And I will stuck in half way and stopped.
Actually, not really matters. As long we try.
So, then again, readers, let's lead to a healthier life style. Otherwise, we won't enjoy.
Dear sylvea,

nya ha ha ha.
And then again, I starting to agree Lady Gaga is not pretty. I prefer Katy Perry. So say, Katy Perry (google if you don't know who is Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, besides, you need a life.) will you go out on a date if I have that kind of body? Nuff' humour.

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