You know, I love to babbling about the KTM.
First the KTM's drivers are always...always bias about men...They saw me running forward, but they shut the blardy door and move.
Secondly, during the off working hours, the train with be packed with hundreds of human being inside. always delay...I wonder why.
Today is the special of all kinds.
Class finished around 5.05 pm which was few hours ago only...
While I'm rushing to the KTM station asap (cause the train will arrive at 5.20pm), I used the stairs, then the couple from my intake (I don't know his and her name) was obstructing my way!!! They walk as slow as they can) Well, fine, Mr.Julius IS A GENTLEMAN.
Finally, I can get them out of my sight, I saw VINO!!! Yay! I chat for awhile, but I was rushing, so have to go although wanna talk for a while more.
THEN....another person, Jackie. Of course is a good thing to met some friends while walking my way to the station...then, she told me about how a car wanna crash her and she fell over the pothole. Well, sue the driver!!
Finally, I arrived at the station...I was 5 minutues early. Waited...and waited...and waited....5.30.....Annoucement came in and announced that the train will be delayed and only will arrive by another 30 minutes....Do you guys...have any 5.30....and there were...SO many homo sapiens out there.
I leave the station and use the LRT....while is one million times better...faster...and more I can exercise and kill time.
And you know you have to walk past the bridged is very tiring...
Arrive at the KL sentral's KTM station...
The place was crowed like...
....I played 'dirty'. No choice lar. If I don't I can't get home early, there were to many people. IS unfair for those who sat at the chair then managed to get in first compare to those who stand and waited in front of the door. Actually, I was very reluctant to do's against my code...but...I prefer to think of myself rather than strangers...This is what we call Desperate Time for very desperate measure.
Managed to get in...and I was stuck by 4 pillars of stinking people....Yea, trapped in the middle....All of them smells...The best part is, one of them men's filthy hand where touching or at least 1 cm almost touching my crotch....and is 5 cm away from my you know where...The stupid guy love to move his fingers...and can you image is just 5 cm away?? Dah lah busuk and the stupid filthy hand.
And Ayush, Hope you get well soon ya. Is different tho, not to see you in Law class. But at the same time, is nice to be alone :) Anyhow, may God and Goddess speed your recovery
I'm tired...and haven't do my work and not yet mandi...
Goodnight everybody.
Joseph, Lily, Jamie, we do it again tomorrow ya :)
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
8 hours ago
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