We held our meeting at 1pm. Then I started to talk. I'm very comfortable with them. I guess because they were all familiar face. They participated and so on. But I'm slighly slightly disappointed that they didn't give me enough suggestions. But yet I'm still very satisfied with the outcome. Next meeting, I would like to see my officers. We need to talk and discuss on internal issues of LVAC. I'm going to have more officers in the group in a sense where they could help to build LVAC.
Anyway, after the meeting we went for a movie. The Gamer. Gamer, provided a brand new touch. But, seriously, although the actors (Gerald Butler is very good) were good but the plot have its weaknesses. Well, I give about 3 stars. So wanna watch may try ahead.
After that we went to border. Scout for books. Again I bought books written by John C. Maxwell. His books are really great. Recommended to all people who are interested in leaderships. I want to get the Art of Power next time. Seriously it's intriguing. The book is not that expensive judging from the content and the quality. My next prime target.
We took pictures too.

I enjoyed a great day. Back home, I had to attend a function. It's regarding Moon Cake festival. Was tricked that I gotta sing in front of the audcience. Nice try wei. Totally got me. Finally can leave around 9. Returned to my room, I can just sleep right away. So tiring. Haven't been like this for awhile now.
Just hours ago, I finally completed my part of the presentation. Whew, felt so relieve. Had been doing it almost a week now. Now, the presentation is just next Thursday. Coming soon.
Oh, there are still some pictures I haven't post. I'm waiting for Stephanie!
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