Just got back from dinner. Didn't see them after Chinese New Year. They came to visit us for the Moon cake festival. They brought us two 'snow' moon cake and most important of all chocolate! First time gonna try on a chocolate moon cake! Can't wait for tomorrow morning. And, can't wait to touch on the Ferrero Rocher! Of all chocolate, Ferrero Rocher will always be my one of the favourite chocolate.
Oh ya, Uncle Ling (calling him uncle because it's just the custom, to show respect) gave me an incredible advise where, put yourself into something wholehearted. No point forcing yourself into something you do not like and do things half hearted. Of course I know the impact, but it'd implied greater impact by listening from someone.
I guess that nothing comes with free ride. I always believe that everything must have an exchange, The Law of Equivalent Exchange. But most important of all is that I must sacrifice. John C. Maxwell said you gotta sacrifice for something to gain something which definitely rang the bell in my mind about the Law I mentioned. And there, my mum who recently studied Buddhist's teaching said that one will never be wrong if he or she willing to change.
Well, as we all know, we, humans are resistant to change especially things we are comfortable in. And mum continued nobody can change yourself but you to yourself can change. Another great lessons. Life is never an ending of learning. I think I mentioned before and will mention again and add something, it is our autonomy to decide things, is ourself to decide on what accordance you may want, but it's never be a detriment if you try something new.
Of late, I'm yearning for The Romance of 3 Kingdom. Well, I want to read the book, but it's costful! Not to forget, I'm still want to read the Brisingr which also pretty hefty. The former one got several volumes le. And I need to buy my punching bag and glove. Jee, scarcity always a problem.
Anyhow, wish my friend Hikki a safe journey to Egypt and you gotta study hard when you got there ya. Take care always!
And those who gonna go for mooting, all the best! Bring back something, and lolipop might just pop out somewhere in the bush.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 hours ago
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