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Wednesday's morning.

Yesterday, I was in the living hall, then came by an Aunty (our neigbour by the way), the first thing she said when she saw me was "wah your son is very *censored*, let me intrduce my daughter to you one day!". I was left speechless there, only could fake a smile with unpleasant vigor.


You know what next?

This very morning, the aunty appear again (under the context of "borrow some equipments"), she brought her daughter along!! Oh my, I saw that coming, I ran up to my room, and pretend to be sleeping. So, when they about to leave, I got down to the hall, I THOUGHT THEY Had left, the daughter saw me with my messy hair. ARGH.

The aunty non-stop saying something, kept me on the shy corner. Aiyo, what can you expect la? I can't be there saying "ya, ya, I'm!", right? The whole incident really making me uncomfortable. I wonder if it's save to jog around. The daughter is a mature looking, indeed, a pretty one. But with that aunty, I tell you, a rock-pusher.

BEWARE. Your life will never be the same again.

1 what is your thought?:

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing!!!


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