Recently, I found something special from a story I'd read.
I know that each day we have ups and down. Of whether we laugh, smile, sad, cry or something, we still have to move on. It's an intriguing fact that the narrator said the real man had to sacrifice everything for the sake of the future. The character willing to sacrifice his emotion and his love ones, and let the world hates him in order to build a better future for the people.
He suffered. Nobody knows. He's doing things by himself. Everyone thinks him as enemy and keep attacking.
In the near end of the chapter, his true motive had been leaked out. Everyone was shocked. Everyone can't believe his intention. Everyone said he does not deserves to have this fate hacked on him.
I'm still reading it, waiting it to be release next week and so. It's just remaining few chapters.
Well, the truth is that, we shouldn't be quickly to judge someone. I had the habit of judging someone then make reasoning first. In short run, impression is important, no matter what, your first impression actually affect the people of the world first.
But in the end, the long run still plays a vital role. It still turn around and let you know, hey, the truth is this, you may still wrong.
Oh another issue. I just read an email.
I learnt that we ought to be grateful and reasonable. Some kind of people complaint when things is not running in to their plan. Just because they have the opportunity because of their wealth, they want this and that. Spoilt brats always want this and if they can't have it, they do whatever they want just to hurt you. Do they ever wonder how the African have suffered? Consider yourself as a affluent child, you have enjoyed many things that people don't.
Yes, I learnt my lesson. At times I wasted things, I felt regretful. Wishing that I could undone my wrong, it's important to have self awareness and be reasonable when we decide things.
Anyway, this is pretty outlandish. I should stop talking about it.
Oh yes, LVAC's first meeting may be conduct on Saturday. I have to meet the members for the first time. I wonder if they will supply me with barrage of questions haha It is not gonna easy to cultivate relationship, maybe during the meeting we could break the ice. Anyway, if readers are interested in Volunteering, just click the banner on the right side.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 hours ago
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