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Woke up pretty early this morning. Thanks to some disturbance from my dad. I can't sleep back again, I though I was tired, but here I'm.

Lately had been busy with many work. Had to look for information for our group studies. Then had to research for the LVAC. I guess when in a higher level, we ought to do more work. We can't be sitting down and expect work to be done.

Today would also be a very busy day, I will finally conduct a meeting. This would be the first meeting for LVAC. And I think roughly about 13 people would be coming. Well, not a big amount of people, but I also don't want to have that many people.

Early the morning, few fellas already smsed me saying they couldn't come. Too bad la. They should come in the next meeting. OR ELSE...(just for comical purpose)

Anyway, after the day, the evening I had to attend some festival. I can't say it's a charity but to me it is. My mum had actually informed me few days ago, I will do something there...she only explained to me what am I gonna do yesterday. Well, am I suppose to sing? hahaha I didn't sing for like some time. Let's hope my vocal still there.

I need to talk to a well experienced individuals who had took part as a volunteers. Especially leaders. If anyone wants to give me a hand, let me know who. Your help is much appreciated.

Now, time to go and rock the world.

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