The weekend is about to end, after some dinners, today I can attain some peaceful rest at home. But the thought of the work that had been clustered up my mind, worried me. Thanks to SY for giving me an motivational message albeit, it didn't work much.
Next week would have a lot of work to do, not to forget about the Thursday's presentation and also Mr.Vayne Morrison will be coming to our college to do some seminars. Accordingly, someone said he likes to shout at people, or perhaps, provide some scolding if you didn't answer his questions. I guess that he already sent information regarding what will he ask us during the seminar, so already give you the easy work, you couldn't answer, imagine what next.
LVAC's progress kinda like stunned for a brief time, especially everyone busy preparing for exam and so. I couldn't get much information due to the 'good' connection, and hardly have time for it especially preparing for some work and also assignments waiting on line. But not to worry, LVAC will get going soon, I promise myself that.
I think I will be going to Petaling Jaya tomorrow after class. As the sales promoter suggested, hopefully his words can be trusted. Do make me go all the way there for friggin' nothing.
There were so many issues lately in Malaysia. The best one is the F1. Some people with big ambition actually supporting this. Well, I do realise that government try to do something special to sway the non-BN supporters and/or try to build up name in the world and/or for example, "dream come true" kind of thing. Private firms sponsor, and government will dig out the tax payer's money. I hold no qualms on what the private firms doing as what they doing might actually benefit the economy of Malaysia but then again, they might sending the RM out of Malaysia with the import of goods and services. But whatever, the main point is the tax payer thing.
Should the government use the money for F1? Or instead fork out the money for other things like education, transportation, or finance the tourism or other benefiting projects? It's really gonna be a waste of resource with the big amount of money that gonna just fly away. I had say, spending fund on education would be the best. Not only for the now but also for the future. I read somewhere that our education system used to be excellent due to strict sense of the education system. Simply ask your parents about it.
Never forget about the Angkasawan. Do we really want to see this expedition? Does government really try to hear about the people's thought? Why waste 1 million just like that? Okay, it's something proud la for the Malaysia and we witness something rare for Malaysian, yet as if the big players of the world like gonna care about our dear Angkasawan.
I can't help but to say it again about the PAS. Again, they want to ban a singer from performing. Jee, morally corrupt huh? I agree that Beyonce have this fancy dresses and paramount dancing moves. But if she follows the code and regulation set down by the MALAYSIA, why would they be bothered? Not like Beyonce coming here and yelling and so. Not like her music is tantamount to aggression and so.
Another news today, the straight A's girl had passed away. Really sad and sorry to know about this incident. As we all know, snatch thief committed a major offence, in fact he/she may not know how victim suffered, and live a life with carefree, I hope that the offender will be caught as soon as possible. Don't let miscarriage of justice happened in our very eyes and get away. It's unfair for such a young girl. This continue to contribute to the evidence that our society is unrest. And the fact that the crime couldn't be prevented is another sad thing. May the girl's soul rest in peace and the thief will receive its divine punishment.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 hours ago
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