Scientist Ray Kurzweil said that human can achieve immortality through nanotechnology and also through the understanding of human body.
He said that when the understanding of a human body is continue to increase, the nanotechnologies able to replace vital organs by 20 years time. He also mentioned that artificial pancreas and neural implant already make available. Ray Kurzweil call this theory as the Law of Accelerating Returns.
Writing in The Sun, Mr Kurzweil said: "I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogramme our bodies' stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, ageing. Then nanotechnology will let us live for ever.
"Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively.
"Within 25 years we will be able to do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath, or go scuba-diving for four hours without oxygen.
"Heart-attack victims – who haven't taken advantage of widely available bionic hearts – will calmly drive to the doctors for a minor operation as their blood bots keep them alive.
"Nanotechnology will extend our mental capacities to such an extent we will be able to write books within minutes.
"If we want to go into virtual-reality mode, nanobots will shut down brain signals and take us wherever we want to go. Virtual sex will become commonplace. And in our daily lives, hologram like figures will pop in our brain to explain what is happening.
"So we can look forward to a world where humans become cyborgs, with artificial limbs and organs."
So we are converting pure human being into this?

Well, is not like I'm against his view. But frankly, it's pretty amazing if this ever happens. You can imagine that you can kick butt like nobody's business, you can do lots of stuff without actually harming yourself.
But it's seems to be infringing the rights of a human, by turning one into a cyborg seems to unrealistic. And with all those humpy dumpy little things that people might come and protest and waiting for the government to approve and stuff.
Yet, this technology seems to suggest to be extremely useful for patients as what I think that this could actually really, really save someone's life.
Okay, if it's accepted, we all know that first time a technology being introduce normally have it defects because first time ma. So, imagine yourself as the early 'model' and suddenly, some part of the vital organs is malfunctioning then...
Well it's cool to catch a movie like The Terminator, but is that what we want to achieve immortality?
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