Hmm, I think that by didn't blog and wearing black the whole week is totally not good enough as to show my respect to my uncle. Mum was deeply regretted for unable to go, in the same time, I also felt sad for my mum but she recovered pretty fast. I don't know if she's really recovered. I wonder what did her friend talked to her. My mum's friend must be a good counselor. Anyhow, mum's a tough lady.
And oh, almost forget, Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim friends. Enjoy! It's a marvelous things after waited for so long. It's the same thing like CNY where a month or so, before CNY, either adults or children will grow excited (erm, it's subjective thing for me to say like this, not everyone are like that, right?) and especially for children, couldn't wait haha By the way, thanks to friends and neigbours who had invited our family to attend for an open house, albeit I didn't went, but they still ask my parents to bring something for me. They were so kind.
Well, last week I didn't do much except going for classes and going to One Utama where I was looking for a boxing glove and a boxing bags. I only could found a boxing glove but it doesn't suit my hands. My fingers got scratched, well it's my wrong for not wearing the wrap. The sales man is weird. He's like doesn't want to do business. Pretty rude. I think that's his style. He even told us where to go to buy all these materials. Gosh, if the boss is there, believe it or not, 100% assured he will be sacked. But thanks for the information anyway, you saved my time.! I just found an article on how to make a sand bag. I guess I can save up money for this. On last Wednesday, I tried on new technique, it's far from being perfect yet. The aftermath of the workout is tremendous. The muscle on my both legs pained for almost a week! Imagine that. I couldn't walk well on Thursday and Friday. Kiran said I'm like floating. The pain is pretty unbearable. It's really painful each time I walked. But I'm satisfied that it's getting working.
The weekend was nothing special. I'd finally played some games after so long. I think I'm pretty relaxed, I stayed away from people. Call me weird or what, it's better this way. So long, I wish to stay away longer. The thought of some people communicating without proper way of saying, it's totally weird. And, I don't want to end up starting one. Better to remain this way. The break is coming to an end. Going back to college this coming (soon, real soon) Thursday. After this, my next break would be during Deepavali. I expect tones of assignment waiting for us. Plus, I haven't started reading cases yet, and gotta handle LVAC work. Gosh, gotta start moving after the break. It's gonna be like a war like state.
Here's the pictures after the meeting of LVAC.

The picture is a bit blur, but nonetheless it seems great hahaha. Really felt great when everone were so cooperative. It's far from what I had imagine. LVAC is stepping forward.

This picture was taken last Monday. Self-proclaimed, The Pink Day. haha Well, Alex went home first, otherwise there would be an extra guy here. I think next Monday is red. Ever since started my degree, tried on new things, pretty cool. I remember once that a story and a friend told me I should try new things as much as possible, because in a life, you never had that much time and don't miss out the feelings on trying other things. Well, being a conservative minded (well, half-half la), I'm do not welcome changes, but living in this world, if you don't change yourself, you will have pretty hard time to survive. I learnt my lesson from my mentor a harsh way and will never forget that.
Well, that is, I will continue to update my blog. See ya.T
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