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5 in the morning.

Look at the time, what am I doing you say? I COULDN'T SLEEP.

Yes that's right, I stayed up till now. I had nose blockage from about 1 something to now. I guess thanks to yesterday's rain.

I had ate medicine, and still feel the same. What the...I couldn't sleep, I'm gonna be acting weird for real later. Screw up my plan for the day. I intend to have my boxing training started by the morning, so now with this problem, thank you very much.

I'm so sleepy but I couldn't sleep. Everyone with their goodnight sleep, some may at their dreamland.

Well, Romantic Princess is currently airing in AEC. Oh no, I missed the previous episodes! I didn't know if I didn't went to the hall just now. So should I say thank you, to the flu? Whatever. I need my sleep.

~Go grab more vitamin c la.~~

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