As we all know, government had again revert back the use of BM in Maths and Science.
Many people argued in about this as most bloggers had voiced out their opinion. I guess it's a bit late for me but here I go.
I don't consider this as a bad news or a good news either, both had their pros and cons. As most of us are English users, will see this as a bad thing. Frankly, I wouldn't agree about the change. To those who were the first batch, started to study Science and Mathematics in English will always consider this a good way. I also from this batch, and really glad about it when I first know about the news. Not to forget about the teachers who had since changing their way of teaching. But I do think they would prefer teaching in BM.
English, used by most of the countries to interact with each other. Mostly with the intention to study, friends or under business context. But for students, English is a really important matter, when we advance ourselves to higher education, we are knew Degree required us to possess good command of English, will the change actually help most of the students? The greater importance of English, all of us had knew, yet they decide to change it. Or is it, they plan to help someone?
We do not know the real intention of a politician. what they said, we may never know its real. The true intention is always hide between the shadow.
But as I said I don't see this as a bad thing.
Most of rural areas students find using English is hard, and the fact that some couldn't understand English yet they need to study Maths and Science in English. Here I agree, it burdens the students. This is important because SPM is the gate for everyone to go for higher education.
Another way round, for our nation to developed, we would never hasten the people to increase they potential forcefully. The attempt would be fruitless. A nation should be build slowly, one step at a time and the base is far more important for the nation. And on the fact, the standard for most of people to use in English in Malaysia is still far away compare to US or UK. I'm not say as in I'm greater than anyone, I'm still in the process of learning, don't think wrongly of me, ask yourself whether it's correct.
Therefore, people shouldn't protesting about changing English to Bm, instead they should concentrate on the English class. The teaching should reach to a higher standard where it would helps students in the future as well as helping them to cross the boundaries and break the wall for them. Promoting the usage of English to students should be priority. The young generation is important, as they are the future leaders.
They shouldn't screw up and ruin everything just for themselves.
There's many things I would like to say in here. But I shouldn't talk more. The freedom of speech doesn't apply fully in here.
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