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Yes, mum's alright.

Hurray! Yesterday mum had gone through few stages of test. Well, shared some stories with mum, where she saw some patient who couldn't get themselves to the test.
Her heart is alright. But she has developed a not so serious asthma. We will see the doctor again in 9 days time. Which will about time my college life kick off again.

Seriously, I felt so much relieve, at least I can sleep without worries. haha

And I need to thanks to those who had showed their support, erm, thanks :)

Well, as for me, I'm getting sick, like my mum, the chest doesn't feel well, geez, what the heck man. But I think I got better than yesterday.

Currently playin Dissidia, I just bought it yesterday at Selayang Baru, omgosh, the game is so, so cool! haha I had to give 9.5/10. Almost perfecct, the graphics is so nice. The CG scenes are excellent. You can play your favourite character and fight in VS mode instead of story mode, how cool is that?? You have 10 characters frm FF series to play. Thought I'm not too familiar with the older FF, but they are cool, awesome.
And yea, is a Japanese version which makes me wonder what is that and what is this, but I'm sure it's good, but I'm gonna get the English version, too. (same goes to Crisis Core before.). Haha only FF series can make me get excited haha

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