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Woke up this morning feeling really tired and sleepy, but I forced my way up anyway. Well, I had been sleeping pretty late these few days. Yea, couldn't get into sleep, so I had rather stay up till late night.

So then later after breakfast, mum told me she doesn't want to check up today but tomorrow, for some reason. Well, she said she will go and promised. I had agreed.

Then later this evening, mum said she's getting better. Then she said she doesn't want to check up. Frankly, when you encounter this problem, it's wise to go for check up. I don't want to say anymore. And yea, mum had agreed to check up.

I'm abandoning my facebook at the moment, I will not reply your walls, cuz I pretty tired of replying walls from time to time. Wait till then.

Oh yes, I had like to thanks my friends/ Thanks for your great support and wish. As I said, we will prevail. Keep fighting. :)

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