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Ahh, finally I got some pictures to show. Well, is just some. Didn't take much of picture and I couldn't get more than this. Well, courtesy from the Wan Liang and Lee Wei, the sisters.
This was the countdown party. But I didn't spend much time with them. I followed the host to another party. I assume it as a private party. Well, I'm not that close with anyone except the host's daugthers (the sisters where you can spot them with the blue shirt and the girl beside me (left))
Do I really need to mentio the name? No need lar. Well, I have a great time with them. XD

Me, ginger and bear bear. XP
I guess this is one of the most normaly picture we had took. XD

Well, bunch of us trying to look weirdddddd. But, nawww. keke^^

Well, tomorrow I'm off to Ipoh!! Busy, busy and busy!!
The next day will go to Cameron Highland and then rush back home. LOL
Funny eh? keke^^ I admit.

I don't have time and extra cash to spend. XD
This month I used up quite much.
So, stingy month ahead.


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