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Oh, the plan of going to Ipoh and Cameron Highland had been postponed to this coming Sunday.



Something lar.

On the eve I will attend the party instead of Christmas day.

Oh well, Life can be unexpected.

You won't know until the last minute.

Or something else.

So don't be so sure, if you think you about to win.
YOU MIGHT, but there's a chance you won't

While, if you think you about to loss,
YOU MIGHT, but there's a chance you won't

Well, I think the moral of the story is that,

To those, who is....you know what ( i hate using the word, L*ss)
Don't give up hope on everything. Do your best.


If you about to win, make sure everything is well-planned and dun whining when you are about to win. Over confidence means, STUPID AND DEATH BY YOURSELF.

Actually in everything also, we must try our best.

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