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Oh boy, I realised I didn't talk about my LOVELESS. A sets of Poem.

Created by meeeeee.


I don't have any intention of writing a continuous poetry.

Well, I had done lots of work and put my soul and feelings on it.

Hopefully, it's meaningful.

I shall present you Loveless. Chapter 1. Act. 1:

"For me, to have life or death
For thee, to find no love, no hatred
And for I, to sight the unsightable future
To laugh or to cry is at the God's disposal
While the Goddess watching you quietly when
I, for the man wandered into the forest
Unable to find way at the moment
Waiting and searching for one
For my very own

Well, my friend wanted to read my Loveless, but she can't read my private blog.
I had wrote Act.1 about one month ago. Now, Act 3 and 4 are about to be complete.

Okay, I use loveless as the title because I really like the name, (I think I'd explained before)
So my dear friend, quick! READ UP!

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