I realised that I didn't do any blogging since my birthday, I guess.
Well, college life just started again.
And I admit that I had been lazy to social around and msn-ing.
As usual, I really hate KTM.
HATE IT very much. Our PM, said, EVERY 10 MINUTES THE TRAIN WILL MARI-MARI. Go and shit in the toilet hole. PUHHH-LEZZZZ.
Whatever it is. KTM is lame as always.
These days, the natural disaster....happened kinda often. Really sad to heard that there were sooooo many victims.
To those who passed away.
May them Rest in Peace.
and to those who suffered injury, hope that they can get well soon and swift recovery.
Well, natural disaster can be "un-natural"
You know, global warming, pollution and land slides. Where were those came from?
Is in the name of humans who looking for fortune.
Okay, I'm not that mulia, I know, in fact I'm one of those who contribute to those factors.
Yet, we should learn, learn to be more environment-sensitive. Learn not to waste.
But my power alone, is not enough. I don't know how this post can help people to understand the greater importance of the environment than your very own fortune.
Frankly, I admit it. I love money. But until Randy Pausch taught me, (erm, in his book lar, Check "THE LAST LECTURE", I shall talk about this in near future), I learned that something else is much, much more important. And yes, I changed my mind and view.
Well, I believe there was at least, a slight changes in myself. Or maybe,
whatever lar.
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