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Strange feeling indeed.

Missing someone will make you feel like that?

I wouldn't know.

Well, do you guys believe in Hidden feelings?


A feeling that you don't even notice?

Until one fine day it suddenly erupt?

I'm in that kind of mode now.

And moreover, I'm think that Love is weird. Only two person could understand.

You and you love one.

No other person can understand. The bond you hold between you and your love one, nobody. No body can know.

But when you are the one who keep hold of the bond.

That's mean, you, yourself, is getting hurt.

So do you guys think that, does it worth the pain? Are you guys willing to wait?

Tell me about it.

2 what is your thought?:

Anonymous said...

sometimes i do believe in 'Hidden feeling'...
so funny..!!
hmm...no one cn know unless u tell 'em

Julius. said...


I believe, what you said is true!

No one can know unless you tell 'em.

Is strange right?

and funny, too.

Well, to be serious, I'm surprise!

Cause, you knoe, I just experience it!


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