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Tagged indirectly by Genise

here it goes:
Bold the statements that are true to you. Italicize the statements
that you wish were true.( blue)Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

Hate being annoyed.

A gentleman.

Rhetoric skill is a nice art.

I admire beautiful things. (arts, landscape and stuff)

Love to sing.

Hate to beg.

I don't always reveal my intention to people.

I don't like to talk about my wishes to people.

I'm either talkactive or being silent at all times.

Only talk much with real friends.

And I don't want to reveal anymore about myself. So up to here. (hey, I talk about current issue only? But maybe sometimes I will. Well, nobody's perfect right?)

So LILY, SYLVEA, JACKIE, PEI YEN and AYUSH. You guys kena tag!!!

2 what is your thought?:

-:-Jackie-:- said...

wow. you have like, no cbox.

that's like the cacatest thing ever.

anyhoo merry xmas.

Julius. said...

gt reason why lar.
the private one got wat :)


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