I’m back
Yes, I had completed my law papers, my Business studies and one Economics paper.
I’m really relieved after so long, (about 3 weeks) of staying at home and studying, is really stressful.
Nothing much I can talk about these few days, well, after my Law papers, I was studying back to back for business studies and Economics, and the only way I communicated with people was through sms.
Business paper was okay, just that, if Cambridge add another 15 minutes for us, it will be just great. I’m sulking around until Sylvea got pissed, yeah, although she didn’t says it, but I’m sure she does, sorry!
But, for today, my Economics paper 4, I don’t what else to say, I’m not entirely satisfied. I saw people, writing so fast and asked for extra sheets of papers.
Okay, experts said, once you completed don’t think about it. I’m trying.
Man, last night, I couldn’t sleep well, thanks to my backache and nose-blockage, okay, I wouldn’t mind that, just not enough sleep won’t harm me. However, the best part is I woke up 6 in the morning, and eventually, I got diarrhoea and nausea, great right? Let me remind you, it happened this morning, so I had to quickly to take medicine, to avoid getting serious. Feeling very, very...
So, in matter of time, I was getting better while worrying for the Economics paper and my body. Seriously, I’m hungry but I got no appetite to eat.
Well, last paper on Friday, after that A-levels’ over! I can’t wait for my break!! One month!
So, update later. Bye.
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