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Lucky, Lucky, come here boy!

Here's another series of photo of my dog! Some I took during my exam period and some was during the holiday. Dog lovers sure love this. Oh, I flattered myself again. haha

hehe, he's waiting for my parents to come back. Well, he always hang around the door when both of my parents go out. So, if you call him, he will come for a moment and went back to the door.

Gosh, isn't it cute? He looked directly to the camera. Cun! Managed to grab that moment. haha

I called him to attract his attention toward the camera in which I did, but he thinks I will carry him around, thus with the post. hoho

Frankly, he likes to jump, so, one fine day, he got excited and jump up to the dining chair (which mum actually forbids him doing so). Took chance, therefore with this picture hoho

I think he's sulking or simply just waiting for food? hahaha. Mum finds this really nice and chose this as one of the best pictures I took. LOL

Well, you see, normally I don't take pictures of my dogs. But ever since I read Marley and Me, I should take more pictures with my dog (with the current one, of course) so that in later years, you can remember all sort of funny and nice pictures of him. Hmm, just cherish everything you have. :)

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