After lunch, saw Jamie going home with MR.M (name shall not disclose in here to protect somebody), naw, nothing to fuss about. Eventually, I met my sis Cathy and Sylvea. I asked them to come to college to meet up for lunch, but, well, I still see them.
AND, we chatted and took some pictures.

Brother Sister bond. HA!
I personally think this picture is really nice. Seriously. :)
Anyway, I have 3 papers left, one for Business and 2 for Economics. Friday! I can't wait!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! I can't wait for my break, even it's just a week!
Oh yes, I won't be online till next week, cause I had broke my policy. This is bad, I really need to stop! So, don't leave my blog, read my tags, slowly!!!!
Anyhow, as we notice, there was this black money scam, make sure readers beware of this scam, and if you ever know someone is entering the trap, warn them, save them. Like today's newspaper, a teacher had been cheated for at least 100000 bucks. So, beware and try to prevent this kind of thing to happen to everyone else. But I really need to give credit to con artistes, they make living buy cheating/tricking people, and people believe in it. So, basically, when you're dealing things about money, is better to bring someone who is experiences, they might be able to spot people who are doing no good. An ill-minded person, always sweet talk people, their statements are always mean malice.
More or less, there's another incident about the building collapse even it proved to be quality. Well, not like I judge people's with prejudice in my mind, is totally their fault (contractors, for example), we don't see, tall building to collapse. I don't want to make an issue about this, let the MACC do the job.
So, another issue, is the haze thingie, at my place the haze seems to be very obvious, and its kinda uncomfortable. Well, people, just take care of yourself, drink more water and keep yourself from those.
Well, take care. Good bye!
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