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Yo. Julius is here.

Ha.ha I changed my layout yet again. Blazing red, nice eh?

Well, I actually lazy to change the layout, but to Ms.Genise, who forced me to changed T.T

Anyway, i should thank her, I prefer this layout compare to the previous one. So thanks :)

But She complained again. LOL I change it next time ya mua ha ha ha

So, tomorrow I'm going to Penang. I didn't visit Penang for about one year plus now, couldn't wait to eat those sea food, and things over there. Oh, I can finally visit the sea side! I can't wait!! Ha.ha You know, for me going to Penang is like going back hometown. Cuz, normally every year I will go there at least once. But the tradition broke off since last year.

Anyway, I told Genise I'm going to cuci mata XD Well, cuci mata means wash your eyes with new things mua ha ha ha Just joking la, my main purpose to be there is eat!!

Anyway, I will update you guys when I got there. haha So take care. Bye!

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