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What's your ring tone?
Voices by Rev Theory.

Who's the 1st person that comes up under K?

Who's the last person you called?

Who was your last missed call from?
MUM. haha.

Who is the first person under C?

Who's your speed dial number 2?

What does 3rd text in ur inbox say?

Who was your last received call?

What does your 5th inbox text say?
I have a confession to make...blah blah blah

How many messages are currently in your inbox?

What is the wallpaper?

Since buying your phone, how many messages have you sent all together?
Ten thousand or more, I think.

Who is the 7th message from in your inbox?

Who's the 1st person who comes up under B?
Balance Check. ha.ha.

How many bars of signal do you currently have?

What network are you on?

Name every person you have text messages from inbox?
Too many names to mention in here. Hello, got 200 messages.

What does your 20th text message in your in box say?
Sending you a cute bear.....and so.

Who is the first person in your contacts?

Who is the last name in your contacts?
Yee. Huh? who is Yee? haha. Forget about it.

What does the bottom text in your inbox say?

What is your screen saver?
I don't put one.

What is your battery balance?
Full. I assume it's at least around80%

Who is the last person under H?
Hanafi. Lost contact with him by the way, maybe I should just delted those I haven't get in touch.

What is your bluetooth name?

How many numbers are in your phone?
About 200 plus.

Whats the first video on your phone of?
Don't really remember. two years ago, you know? But if I'm not mistake is Jay Chou's Herbalist's Manual.

Could you live without it?
Ha.ha. I carry my phone to everywhere I go. So, what do you think?

What is the 3rd picture on your phone?
A wallpaper.

Tagging no one.
So to those who wanna do, go ahead.

0 what is your thought?:


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