Yep, we used the ferry. Omgosh, it was a really great expriences, I love the ocean, the song of Ocean (does it sounds familiar? I heard it somewhere). This time though, managed to grab a lot of pictures :)
This is the view when we are reaching the other side of harbour (we call that right or? The building is so tiny. haha.
Mum and dad.
Mum and I.
The sea, itself.
How was it? Nice? I just like this kind of view.
I think I took this somewhere, I can't remember. But nice right?
Peaceful feeling ;)
The ship.
Me. lol
Mum with her durian. We had our lunch at the Sister's Char Keow Teow (Finally, I got it right! Don't laugh!) The food was excellent. We came here again the following next, next day for breakfast, I prefer the afternoon one though as it's not too oily. So, then, after the lunch, we head to the durian stall. Where you see them eating.
Dad with his prize possession(???)
Mum enjoyed the most. Oh, while I was reluctant to eat the durian (eventually, I gave in after both of them saying it was really nice), I receive a sms from SYLVEA. Yes, I was in the middle of eating the durian, and she asked for help. LOL what can I do? haha
Yeah, me again. ;)
The family. We were actually in front of the restaurant. The sea food, I can give 5 out of 5. I don't really know what the restaurant called, but we usually go there whenever we are at Penang. I took some photos but naw, not gonna show it here.
Good bye Penang.
So, I truly enjoyed my vacation. You know, really amazing that when you do something without the stress and the constant reminder of education stuffs. Well, after the 3rd day, we left Penang and got home. Oh yes, I went back to Ipoh for really amazing lunch and buy some games. haha Anyway, till next time. Take care.
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