YEAR 2008.
Written by
, Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 4:49 PM, in
Well, some said, 2009 is not a great year. Ha.ha. Due to the economic slump.
Anyway, we will never know until next year.
Because now, the money supply is getting low. While the value increased. So people, save your money and spend XD (I know, I know, is a bad example). By the way, interest should be lower. So, its up to you guys to decide what to do.
Anyhow, this year sure a great year.
I mean, there were EURO 2008 (football/soccer), Raja Petra's trial for being a national threat (his arse was kicked into prison under ISA), Beijing hosted the Olympic, Not to forget, Anwar's declaration/ Sodomy case part 2, The USA's Election (I greatly supported Obama (:), Our PM being betrayed by you-know-who and have to give up his power earlier to you-know-who, landslide, and many more.
Well, I met lots and lots of people from other land and of course, locals. Meeting them really shocked me and it was something new to me. But... thanks to them, they injected greater knowledge to me. Well, at least, I won't be culture shock when I'm around somewhere new to me. And I had met someone I liked before who is kinda interesting lady. Meeting back old friends, too (although, I'm like...not really recognise them but....let it be...) And I also met my childhood friends. They are now, really different. Not like those days when I had to keep an eye on them. Well, I guess, time and environment really change people around. Things had come and go. Leaving behind only memories to remember. Some a great and some are not. And joy and misery we, people had gone through.
Wow, look at the time flew by. We are getting old people, one year older (courtesy from Sylvea's latest post). That's the magnificent power of Time. Time controls everything.
So dear readers. Treasure your time. Don't waste it. I mean, once passed, is forever. You can't revert to the past. There's no time machine or stuff like Doraemon dig out from his pocket.
So don't regret. And of course, maximise your time with efficient. Well, we, human, are always want to maximise everything so that we gain utility.
Anyway, Happy New Year everybody.
I'm back!
Written by
, Monday, December 29, 2008 at 9:52 PM, in
Look at the time passed by. Darn, so fast two days were over. I was bragging about my plan to go to Ipoh and stuff, look at now. I'm back!!!!
So fast!!
okay, I got some pictures. ha.ha.ha

I didn't wear contact tho. Cause Sunday, I'm still not up with my work yet. ha.ha.ha.
But not bad eh?
Well, 2008 is going to end!
So sad!
Anyway, there's a Farewell 2008 party. I don't have my partner, again. So bloody hell, I'm not going!
Is fun but is boring! I mean, for every angle you will see, couples talking to themselves. I was like a small island. Like LOST. I can tolerate for like 3 hours. But...when things gettiing toooooo long
my mind begin to freeze up. ha.ha.
After all, without a partner is not that bad. Well, you know what I mean. :)
You can look at pretty girls!!
I guess, maybe due to my holiday break, I have plenty of time to think. Is love really that important? So what do you think? Money or love?
Written by
, Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 12:14 AM, in
Say goodbye.
That's what I'm feeling. And don't be the same as the meaning of this Loveless.
well, I won't blog till next tuesday.
So see ya readers!!
Don't go away! I will back soon with updates!!
Written by
, Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 12:01 PM, in
This was the countdown party. But I didn't spend much time with them. I followed the host to another party. I assume it as a private party. Well, I'm not that close with anyone except the host's daugthers (the sisters where you can spot them with the blue shirt and the girl beside me (left))

Well, tomorrow I'm off to Ipoh!! Busy, busy and busy!!
The next day will go to Cameron Highland and then rush back home. LOL
Funny eh? keke^^ I admit.
I don't have time and extra cash to spend. XD
This month I used up quite much.
So, stingy month ahead.
Tagged indirectly by Genise
Written by
, Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 9:53 PM, in
You kena tag
Bold the statements that are true to you. Italicize the statements
that you wish were true.( blue)Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.
Hate being annoyed.
A gentleman.
Rhetoric skill is a nice art.
I admire beautiful things. (arts, landscape and stuff)
Love to sing.
Hate to beg.
I don't always reveal my intention to people.
I don't like to talk about my wishes to people.
I'm either talkactive or being silent at all times.
Only talk much with real friends.
And I don't want to reveal anymore about myself. So up to here. (hey, I talk about current issue only? But maybe sometimes I will. Well, nobody's perfect right?)
So LILY, SYLVEA, JACKIE, PEI YEN and AYUSH. You guys kena tag!!!
Christmas Eve
Written by
, Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 4:47 PM, in
Well, I met them two weeks ago. And today they are having a farewell kinda gathering with Winnie.
So I attended.
And met someone there, too.
Tonight, there's another gathering I will attend.
Well, I don't know how long I can stand.
By 7pm I had to be there.
AND then HAVE TO wait until at least 12pm.
Countdown, it seems.
So I guess, by 1 am we will go home?
No idea.
Maybe late.
Then tomorrow there's another gathering with my friend Chan....
so tiring!!
Anyway, I don't think I have time to wish anyone after this.
Eventhough is Christmas eve.
BUT for those Christian friends of mine, and those who celebrate Christmas;

Written by
, Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 12:26 AM, in
Something lar.
On the eve I will attend the party instead of Christmas day.
Oh well, Life can be unexpected.
You won't know until the last minute.
Or something else.
So don't be so sure, if you think you about to win.
YOU MIGHT, but there's a chance you won't
While, if you think you about to loss,
YOU MIGHT, but there's a chance you won't
Well, I think the moral of the story is that,
To those, who know what ( i hate using the word, L*ss)
Don't give up hope on everything. Do your best.
If you about to win, make sure everything is well-planned and dun whining when you are about to win. Over confidence means, STUPID AND DEATH BY YOURSELF.
Actually in everything also, we must try our best.
Busy Days
Written by
, Monday, December 22, 2008 at 2:18 PM, in
I love myself.
Not to forget, I will also need to rush back on the same day. Another thing to attend on.
Then the next next day, is CHRISTMAS!!!
What am I going to do?
No partner le.
So, I have to be ALONE during the night function.
Sylvea said, it looks cool to go there by yourself.
I admit that I like to be alone.
Oh, after Christmas is NEW YEAR!
So fast le.
Time flew by right between your very eyes.
It was like last year, I'm having spm or just completed it, and now, poooof.
I'm 18 now, older, wiser, and still got many things to learn.
Written by
, Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 8:29 PM, in
Well, I watched Drive of Life ( was broadcasted last year in Hong Kong and now aired in Astro)
Ngai Tin Hang (am I right, I mean the name?)
He's a rich fella, super success in business but no wife.
In the very end, he was diagosed with brain cancer (erm...scary...)
He...when his life is almost over, he's sad and he miss his family (his big brother).
Well, finally he thinks even with the money he have, nobody will care about him or mourn about him. (hmm is particular true...during the funeral....not really that much of people attended the funeral)
Well, rich people can't bring money with them when they die.
I know,
For me to write like this it's shows that love is far more important than money.
But it is not a one sided answer.
To me, having money will always buys me security.
Tell me then, it is important than money?
Love one always will be by your side.
But if one got no money, that's a sad case..
So some say, love is a supplement.
Some say, no, love is much, much more important.
So, how?
What do you think?
Then again, maybe I wouldn't want to grow old, alone.
You can die of being alone while you with the money hanging there.
Money will create hapiness ( I mean, you run your life a bit more smoothly) BUT, it may creates, disaster.
Remember those Hong Kong drama, when the rich fella passed away, the sons fights for the assets and stuff.
And maybe the first wife fights against the second wife. (so much of the drama)
Well, you chose.
Love or money.
Written by
, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 9:52 PM, in
not okay at all.
Missing someone will make you feel like that?
I wouldn't know.
Well, do you guys believe in Hidden feelings?
A feeling that you don't even notice?
Until one fine day it suddenly erupt?
I'm in that kind of mode now.
And moreover, I'm think that Love is weird. Only two person could understand.
You and you love one.
No other person can understand. The bond you hold between you and your love one, nobody. No body can know.
But when you are the one who keep hold of the bond.
That's mean, you, yourself, is getting hurt.
So do you guys think that, does it worth the pain? Are you guys willing to wait?
Tell me about it.
Written by
, Monday, December 15, 2008 at 7:21 PM, in
The author of that blog wrote about How to ditch a girl.
Okay, I know, is not really my business.
Just that, I wanna express (or due to my bad mood), I SERIOUSLY DISCOURAGING GUYS OUT THERE...not to seek girls just because of s*x. Come on lar, not only you 'do it', you bring her home and stay, and 'do it'. Hell, you're a lecturer and the girl is your student. SHAME ON THOSE KIND OF FELLAS.
Man, then when you don't want her, because she's sticky kind of girl, you want to dump her.
Those people are worse than a chicken. No, he didn't even reach that stage. He's not worth enough to be a maggot. I don't know why the author wants to help his friend (the lecturer), a deep shit some more. If i'm his friend, I'm either just kick his dick or just chop it and let em' taste it.
Try to love someone you truly love and don't play with anyone's feelings. You're playing with fire. You will regret it.
Convo between me and Chan
Written by
, Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 11:19 PM, in
Chan: Don't worry, I won't ********
Me: just read that faster larrrrrr
Chan: Ah, ********* wrote such so...
Me: hey, I'm worried lar!!! Why ********** wrote like that*
Me: the main concern is this, why ****** wrote like that....OMG...
Chan: Pretend you didn't seee
That's the best piece of advise I'd of the day.
Pretend you didn't see...
Written by
, Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 11:52 PM, in
Created by meeeeee.
I don't have any intention of writing a continuous poetry.
Well, I had done lots of work and put my soul and feelings on it.
Hopefully, it's meaningful.
I shall present you Loveless. Chapter 1. Act. 1:
For thee, to find no love, no hatred
And for I, to sight the unsightable future
To laugh or to cry is at the God's disposal
While the Goddess watching you quietly when
I, for the man wandered into the forest
Unable to find way at the moment
Waiting and searching for one
For my very own
I had wrote Act.1 about one month ago. Now, Act 3 and 4 are about to be complete.
Okay, I use loveless as the title because I really like the name, (I think I'd explained before)
So my dear friend, quick! READ UP!
Written by
, Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 10:57 PM, in
Well, college life just started again.
And I admit that I had been lazy to social around and msn-ing.
As usual, I really hate KTM.
HATE IT very much. Our PM, said, EVERY 10 MINUTES THE TRAIN WILL MARI-MARI. Go and shit in the toilet hole. PUHHH-LEZZZZ.
Whatever it is. KTM is lame as always.
These days, the natural disaster....happened kinda often. Really sad to heard that there were sooooo many victims.
To those who passed away.
May them Rest in Peace.
and to those who suffered injury, hope that they can get well soon and swift recovery.
Well, natural disaster can be "un-natural"
You know, global warming, pollution and land slides. Where were those came from?
Is in the name of humans who looking for fortune.
Okay, I'm not that mulia, I know, in fact I'm one of those who contribute to those factors.
Yet, we should learn, learn to be more environment-sensitive. Learn not to waste.
But my power alone, is not enough. I don't know how this post can help people to understand the greater importance of the environment than your very own fortune.
Frankly, I admit it. I love money. But until Randy Pausch taught me, (erm, in his book lar, Check "THE LAST LECTURE", I shall talk about this in near future), I learned that something else is much, much more important. And yes, I changed my mind and view.
Well, I believe there was at least, a slight changes in myself. Or maybe,
whatever lar.
Written by
, Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 3:16 AM, in
My birthday was over.
I wanted to stay as VIP for a bit longer though.
Well, have to move on, am I right?
Well, Happy Belated birthday to myself.
I couldn't sleep.
Some strange feelings contain my heart.
I don't know why is that so.
I'm looking for an answerrrrrrrrrr.
I don't know either.
Year 2008.
is ending soon.
Leaving behind such great memories. There is good and there is bad
But all these tend to be great experiences.
I learned something.
Even a coward fellas can outdo a man with courage.
Because they finally found.
Found the precious thing in which they wanted to protect it.
At may encounter a wretched sight. Is unavoidable.
But life need to be go on. Taking it too serious, won't bring you anyway.
Well, I really...seriously don't know why I'm writing this!!!
I'm not normal these days.
I don't know why.
I guess?
Assume so then.
Ahh, my dear friend Chan is coming to Rawang!
By the way...........
Christmas is coming soooooon....!!
I'm not a christian, but I do know why but, I'm looking forward for that day. Ah I think I know why. he.he.
Furthermore! White valentine!
Or so called by the Japanese during christmas. So who wanna be my white Valentine. (No Sylvea, no, you kan dah ada boyfriend XD)
By the way, IF I can get Lady GaGa for a date (or a blind date maybe) during Christmas, is the perfect ending of 2008. XD
Well, maybe since is so late (is 3.33 AM), I shall go to bed and dream about it.
I remembered somebody told me before....blogging is...this and that. No privacy. ha.ha.ha.
So she'd finally succumbed to evil of blogging. Hee
But apa link ar?
I x tau le.
And is already too late to find.
Sleep tight.
Quotes to share upon~
Is never too late to learn. In fact don't try to run away from learning your mistakes.
Peace only able to attaine and sustain if tolerance was there. (but NOT every human are willing to do so. Look at the KTM for God's heaven's sake)
song playing-Ave Maria ~
Written by
, Monday, December 1, 2008 at 4:47 PM, in
Am I drunk?
One year.
Well, almost one year. I learned my mistakes. And I have to learn to overcome the mistakes.
But, time passed by with an unbelieveable speed. I remembered. Last year. Around this time. I just completed my SPM a.k.a Sijil Paling Mudah. Also, around this time, I will be celebrating my birthday.
I'm getting older.
Few years back, I remembered how I hoped to be 17 asap. pooofff. I'm 18....soon.
Well, I remembered somebody told me this.
Life is like travelling.
Slowly, you gain your experiences and when u travel here and there, your luggage will be heavier yet you will be wiser.
I'm getting older and babbling around toooooo often.
These days I'd love to use quotes or something when talking with others.
By the way, look at what I'd found!

Way to Go!
Written by
, Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 5:03 PM, in
I wish to share with anyone.
But my new blog, only special friend can view and of course, they will receive special treatment!
me, my new blog and Yoga
Written by
, Monday, November 24, 2008 at 6:46 PM, in
I'm not from this world.
recently, I'd created a new blog.!
okay, I don't wear red underwear.
Just the name, for God's Heaven's sake!
Private stuff will be write there.
And my personal thinking and comments will be here.
Okay, I didn't talk about yesterday's news.
FATWA, banned Muslim from DOING YOGA!
YOGA is haram.
YOGA, an exercise.
Fatwa's agrumet is this, "containing element of Hindu"
So, an exercise, containing secret stuff huhh?
So if I learn YOGA, I can have only God will know my power?
Crap right?
people is taught to respect one's religion.
I know that. And I shouldn't give a care.
But it just doesn't make sense at all.
So we, chinese doing YOGA means we are defying our religion, too????
The center where Yoga-teaching exisited is not taught by Monks or Nuns
Whatever lar.
Is none of my business, anyway.
Written by
, at 1:29 PM, in
I love Books.
Ahh, a magnificent Greek writer back in centuries ago. Is not really that complete actually as he had wrote more than 100 play, but only 7 have survived . One of them is, Oedipus Rex. Is translated by Paul Roche. He did a great job of translating it. This book is absolutely a beauty and IS RARE and the price is reasonable. I can finish the book within a day!! he.he. By the way, I read a lot of Greek philosophers. Especially, my fav, Aristotle. he.he.
I am Legend, The Duck who won the lottery ticket (is a philosopy book! Okay, I don't remember the full title but is something like that) Marley and Me, et cetera.
Written by
, Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 12:31 PM, in
I love myself.
Again, another rude remark from me.
I’m really sorry dear readers.
I should know that....I don’t even know what its name.
Ehh, I don’t even know whether that fella is a guy or girl.
Well, that fella did mention about its name, Mr.
But, I will refer that fella as She-Male. (Sylvea, one of your kind ;))
What? Don’t get offended. I really don’t know what. Well, even I know I will still refer you as She-male.
Look, what I’m writing here is not to add salt into your wound.
I just want to say I’m sorry.
I should know that you are just a kid.
And I shouldn’t get carried away.
Thanks to you, I’m quite excited.
But enough is enough.
I’m still not welcoming you in here.
Seriously, I think you being such busybody. Did anyone teach you to be like that?
No manners at all. You should learn to be polite. And you reason is what, de-stress yourself? De-stress yourself?
Don’t make me laugh, kid. You should try to do things better. Rather than...
Ah, don’t be proud of yourself. This post is not dedicated to you.
I’m sending out a warning to others.
If you think my blog is whatever, whatsoever.
Do leave; you are not required to read.
And don’t be such an imbecile. Human is not perfect. They do make mistake. And you guys don’t have the rights to be like this. Who you think you are? Albert Einstein? If somebody said they do have discretion, oh God...please help them. They are polluting the earth.
I’d issued a last warning. I will not tolerate scumbag. Think before you act.
Then again, hey, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to insult you that much. Really. Try to believe me. okay?
I thought of using rhetoric agrument may not understand.
Oh well, my many apologies. Get over it, okay?
and also, thanks for reading my blog. Although I'm not that appreciate it, but *shrug*..... thanks ;)
Being too rude.
Written by
, Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:27 PM, in
I'm not from this world.
I think that I being rude.
As a gentleman.
I shouldn't be like that.
Unlike somebody. ;)
Well, sorry guys, if you think my previous post kinda obscene or something.
Sorry. Kinda carried away, not because of this but something else.
Well, then again.
I will try not to be like that again, and ejek-ing people. (In case they don't understand my hidden meaning)
To human beings that think their great.
Written by
, at 5:06 PM, in
I love myself.
If anyone notice that in my chat box, there is one fella who is kinda annoying.
And I hate those kind of annoying people.
They are simply fucking annoying. Love to talk trash. And of course, love to talk without using their brains,
And I warn you guys.
If you,
Yes, you.
If you'all keep doing stupid things and keep on insulting people.
I will not, ever not, shall not, tolerate with you guys.
AND that's the end of it.
I do not need ur freakin' advice and whatever, Geez, I don't give a damn about you guys out there.
This blog is not for entertainment purpose.
Shut the F-word up and Get lost.
In case,
Xian is my mandarin name. YEN=XIAN. So, people out there. ha.ha. Don't get confuse like someone.
Why do I have to explain?
Written by
, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 1:58 PM, in
Get lost.
Look, the reason for me to back even though I suppose to be hiatus.
Here's the reason.
I was suppose to be hiatus until Wednesday.
A day earlier.
Let's assume my hiatus is over.
But I THEN DECIDED TO GO FOR ANOTHER TRIP, thereby, another reason for me to declare I'm going to resume my status until this Friday.
I'm in my friend's house now.
The reason for me blog, yesterday is that
some annoying people forgotten that I'm on hiatus..
Calling me a dozen times a day.
So I afraid they will get worried, thus my blogging.
Then, there is some fellas (or the same person), didn't know I was suppose to be hiatus until wednesday and I'm also sure they don't know I actually got back home a day earlier.
Okay, I admit there is some spelling errors in my previous post.
But I'm rushing to go for a trip with my friend (yesterday, okay?)
Then, I also afraid that, my poem, indicated that I'm EMO.
Don't be stupid, stupid.
Let me explain,
While on my trip, I visited some places.
The land is....
So now I have to explain what's my poem means due to a high demand.
What a pain.
I'm talking about earth here.
Earth suppose to be beautiful. But look at now. (example, the that land I had visited)
All this happen because of?
You think yourself.
I'm also kinda piss.
But I'm lazy to explain in here.
Let me cut it short and clean.
well, got to go, in a hurry!
Written by
, at 1:20 PM, in
I received a call from my mum.
I'm shifting real soon.
Gotta help my parents...!! Buying things and clean the house...
To my friends,
I think, we might having an open house or something. I don't know. Mum's idea.
Wait for updates.
Written by
, Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 1:49 PM, in
Written by
, Saturday, November 15, 2008 at 10:47 AM, in
I think I love myself.
From tomorow onward.
I will be hiatus. MIA (Missing in Action) or whatever you want to use.
No one will know where the hell am I.
No, it's not about working stuff. So don't ask about working stuff in here.
I'm cutting ties with anyone, for a moment only, Don't get panic for nothing.
I will not answer any calls and reply any smses. Sorry. In another word, I'm shutting down my my Hp. And yes, on my 012 number. I got two phones okay?
The reason is that, too many things had happened this year.
I had some drastic changes.
So I wanted to recollect myself.
I'm really tired of many things here.
From Sunday onward till next wednesday.
(16th-19th of Nov)
You will not be seeing me online, or blogging but bear with me.
I will back on Wednesday.
Thanks a lot!
Written by
, at 10:36 AM, in
Quite funny that, for me, who was in the Jan/Feb intake 2008 of A-levels had finished exam while, me (ex)-class mate still doing it until next week.
This post is dedicated to them.
No, no, I'm not nostalgia kind of guy. Don't get me wrong. Just that, they all were my (ex)-class mate, and not going to see them for such a long time. Ha-ha.
Well, to Sylvea ( you still own me a present!! hehe), Cathy (my dear sister), Mitchell (my dear friend), Rajinah (we attack each other, no, she attacks everytime) and who else? Haha Anyone lar, wishing them all the best in the future understaking.
Why Am I here?
Written by
, Friday, November 14, 2008 at 5:57 AM, in
not okay at all.
I couldn't sleep since 4 am. 4 am!
Dah lar, later, Law exam.
If I get headache later, I'm toasted.
Serious sh!t
Stupid flu, headache, fever, and sore throat.
Feel like wanna yell.
At 4 am, I suddenly woke up, then suddenly feeling cold, yes is very cold, I get up and switch off the air-con. One hour later, my body temperature is freakin' hot.
Why I always get sick during exam time???
Seriously, days ago, I feel like beating people up if they offend me.
Today, I think I will.
I don't care who the hell you are, once you offended me, you gonna pay for it, and the price is high.
Headache, again.
Screw up my day.
Last day some more.
Thank you very much, virus.
Written by
, Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 11:17 AM, in
I'm not from this world.
But I'm wishing all SPM students to do well, Good Luck. You all can do it!!
Especially to those my friends and Sim-san, don't get too nervous ya.
According to unknown resourse.
SPM= Sijil Paling Mudah. or something like that. Ha-ha. So is easy ar? ha. ha. Higly Amusing. Yet, I don't care soooo much.
Anyway, really sorry to readers for not updating anything new stuff. Well, you see, I'm inside my house 24/7 until my next paper is due. Not like I dontt want to get out, just that I'm freakin' lazy to get out.
Anyhow, friday last paper!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait!!
I got bunch of things to do!
I can't wait this and that!
I can't wait NOT to go back to college this December.
Why lar Malaysia don't have winter season, even though with our Malaysia 'Boleh' spirit?
Shall I fly to Japan or England or at least, China?
I create snow in Malaysia.
Written by
, Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 4:48 PM, in
Thursday and Friday.
Will be my last paper for As syllabus.
After 3.30 pm on Friday, the exam will be over!!!
Week after week, exam finally gonna be over.
Oh, next tuesday, SPM will starts.
This is the time or less, I was suppose prepared for SPM examination and of course, last year.
Time skipped by so freakin' fast. Scary.
I'm no longer a High School student. I'm still remember having those exam tension or stress while on the way having my dear Spm. I realised that, I'm more calm than last year.
Yet, I'm not mature enough.
I still think I'm not ready for everything. Not that I'm lacking of confidence. Just that, year ago, I began to enjoy something and is too fast. While all these while, I never know what I truly intend to have or wanted. I'm still far from knowing what is life. What is the meaning of life. What is the meaning of this and what's the meaning of that. Perhaps, all the knowledge passed down by my mentors are still not enough for me to develop. As, one might said, learn and acquired knowledge throughout your life.
A cycle of every human being.
Some people died without being cared, being recognise or being loved.
But some found out his/her most precious thing in their life before they die.
Do readers know what is the most precious thing in your life?
Do readers figured it out?
One might said, family and one might said something else.
It is important for one to know what are the precious thing in their life as time limits everything you want to do.
Me, too will say, my family. But there is more. But I do not know what it is.
I'm still searching for answers.
Written by
, Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 8:08 PM, in
Aiya, I don't have any pictures of this pork chop.
But wishing her always be happy and have merry years ahead!
Written by
, Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 12:14 PM, in

hahaha no need why liao because,
Written by
, at 10:05 AM, in
Hope he will win the presidential!
It shows that, the world should not be, RACIST.
You get the drift.
Maybe I should go to America, since if America's first Black President can win, me, also can.
Written by
, at 9:56 AM, in
I think I love myself.
Is like the same thing like last time.
I think I don't want.
Yea, I don't want. :3
Anyhow, good luck for students who taking any paper for tomorow.
For tomorrow's.
Written by
, Monday, November 3, 2008 at 9:57 AM, in

16 years
I won't allowed any secret to be leak here, as part of the contract/promise being made to Vincent, so don't you, readers think wrongly here.
Written by
, Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 4:23 PM, in
Recently, having watched a documentary (maybe....a advertistment or something...)
Xian remembered about one of Xian's dreams which is to visit around the world's beaches. (excuse me is BEACH, not that....bad word...) Well, is associated with travelling around the work but, I think visiting beaches will be my first priority instead of just travelling.
For example, Tahiti.

OMG! Can you imagine living in this place? IS a paradise I tell you!! I really wanted to stay in this place for the rest of my life. Ha-ha But I can't. Maybe visiting this place is far enough to fulfill my dreams. keke
Well, just imagine this
A) Living in Tahiti, with all the cash inflow you have (so that you don't worry about having money problem), everyday life is swimming, enjoying such a peaceful life, at times you can do scuba diving, check out all those beautiful fishes that you never seen before. For those single people out there, can always see pretty girls or boy (eh, Ayush, I know you love it). A paradise. Xian also will gurantee that you will never have high blood pressure. (assuming that you run out of blood cause you saw too many sexay girls or boy, XD)
B) You and your love one staying in Tahiti or every elsewhere!!! OMG, beach is one of the romantic place you should ever visit with your love one! NO DOUBT! Xian is actually waiting for this day to come hahaha Funny but is really nice to travel together and stay together in this amazing thing! I'm assured that there will be plenty of activities you and your love one can do. And most are arranged by the hotel. Okay, I'm waiting for this day to come!!
C) Friends!!! The more the merrier? Ha-ha subjective question. But it is still the best doing all sort of activities with your best friends! You can imagine having BBQ party at night and play volley ball in the day. Enjoy to the max.
D) hahaha last one, when you get old, you and your wife/husband staying in place like Tahiti or Hawaii is an ablsolute way to enjoy your retirement age as you may want to lead a peaceful life after a harsh years of working, fighting and stuffs. It is still far for me, but this is my last resort to stay in such place, when I retired.
Well...I think I had promoting enough about beach. But it is still the best to live with your love one and Of course, beach. keke^^
Then there is this, people are tend to run away from responsibility or too lazy to carry the responsibility. I guess they after having much fun, they throw all those rubbish and stuff on the beach. Some even throw toxic in the river and where it will carry the flow to the ocean thus created water pollution and destroying the marine or aquatic life. Unfortunately, human...
As a human, after having a great time, try to carry your responsibility and do not forget your action will bring effects to third party (ENVIRONMENT (THE BEACH), etc)
Written by
, Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 9:30 AM, in
You kena tag
Good friends.
2.) Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
Shy, funny, Cheerful, friendly and reliable.
3.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you
erm....all those lines from HK dramas.
4.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you
A repeated question?
5.) If she/he become your lover,you will
OMG, become my pork chop?
6.) If she/he become your enemy,you will...
Buy a bazooka or something like that, blast em'.
7.) If she/he becomes your lover,she/he has to improve on
Just be yourself.
8.) If she/he becomes your enemy,the reason is
She said she hates me.
9.) The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
Giving her the birthday present.
10.) The overall impression of her/him is...
Funny...especially her action. keke
11.) How do you think the people around you feel about you?
I think they think I'm lansi. But I don't care.
12.) The character of you for yourself is?
Lansi gua. Lazy. A bit shy. Extrovert faker. Introvert by heart. I don't like strangers. But Xian had changed a bit due to my future prospect.
13.) What do you hate about yourself?
14.) The most ideal person you want to be is?
My other two mentors.
15.) For the people who care about you and like you,say something to them
All the best.
Ten people to tag
1.) Pei Yen
2.) Steph
3.) Edi
4.) Lily
5.) CoCo
6.) Gwen
7.) Genise
8.) Carine
9.) Wei Lynn
10.) Mope
Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
I have no idea.
No.3 a male or a female?
If no.7 and no.10 were together,would it be a good thing
Both are girls..but...Xian can't predict the future.
How about no.5 and 8?
Both are girls....and one in Malaysia and one in Phil
What is no.1 studying about?
A-levels, pre-law
no.4 single?
Say something about no.6
A good friend! keke^^
Happy Deepavali to all my Indian friends.
Written by
, Monday, October 27, 2008 at 5:22 PM, in
Written by
, at 1:13 AM, in
But you went away
When you back it was too late
and LOVE IS A FORGOTTEN WORD, remember?"
Quoted by Marilyn Monroe
At first, I found this quotation.....I was like.....WOW!
Can you imagine this?
The words is soooo GENG! keke^^
Love is a forgotten word
Sweet as an apple pie.
Dedicated to my ariku(sis) in Philippines
Written by
, Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 8:29 PM, in
This post is dedicated for my lil sis in Philippines. She wrote this poem just for me!
Really, really touched by what she had wrote
Really appreciate it ya, CoCo!!
Millions of thank you!!
Just in case readers think she is really my sister, nope, she's unrelated. haha just became her brother and she became my sister. Thank you again Coco!
A man who is there but not in my side,
He guided me for having lost in mind
He never give up forreason that he might had,
I will never forget his words when i am sad.
He is a person that anyone be inspired of,
he is the person who knows me by the way I am.
I became a better perso when he came to my life,
And i could rather meet him and hope that day will come.
You gave me the best words that you have in your life,
I’ll always cherish those words you spend just for me,
You never took a second to help me when I’m in tough
Though we cannot see each other.
One of my sweet smile is dedicated to you,
I never thought that I’ll meet a person someone like you,
Whom I gave some of my best smile as your ariko,
Who also heal my sleepless night by having gorgeously soft pillow.
I may not be that person who will make you laugh,
But I want to be one of the reason why you survive each peak in your life,
Because you gave me hope when i’m intensely distress
And will always remember how you change my hateable life.
My friends
Written by
, Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 7:59 PM, in
Didn't expect that they said they want to visit my house.
Well, of course I agreed lar.
My old friends.
not that I mind tho.
Well, I do expect Edi and Rif will be coming but I didn't expect Farah and Adilla.
Glad to see them again.
Wah, Edi's hair is longer that mine!!!
And he straighten it or...whatever we call.
I'm glad to see him again.
Wish all of them well lar.
Most important.
I don't want to blog until my exam is over.
So that's mean from 20th of october until 14th of november.
Weekend I will blog hahahahaha
Written by
, at 11:42 AM, in
Is my buddy's birthday!!!
Wishing him always be happy and have merry years ahead!!
(hmm, this is the only latest pix I have, hope you don't mind ya!! hehe)
Written by
, Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 8:25 PM, in
Arrive in college at 11 am. Then I saw Mr.T and Mrs K (names are changed to protect their identity from Onion Kun. lolz. They want to photocopy something, and coincidencely, I also need to do the same thing, thanks to Jason. So I followed them. We cross the bridge to get to the photoshop. I hope you know where is the brigde, you know, monorail?
Upon arriving the stupid and blardi shop, the workers are like !#$%^&*.....
Serious weih....
They attitude is sooo....
Never mind....Malaysia...Boleh...
They are very slow. So slow that....after you go to Times square, walk one round, drink some tea or blue mountain, see some leng luis then come back also won't finish the work.
There is one old man, asking Mr.T where is the bank. Mr.T mistakenly, point it somewhere. And the old man really follows. Amazingly, Mr.T thought the 4D logo looks like a Maybank's logo, the old man walk straight to......I dunno where he went. but....Life goes on. Actually, is good for the old man tho, at least, he indulge in some exercise. hahaha
The rest is history.
Okay, while waiting, we went to the mamak stall, where I introduce to two of them. lolz
We eat and our blood are feed by mosquitos.
After thats, is history.
When to Kepong de Jusco.
Bought lots of stuff!
Then, I saw my senior!!
Well, we didn't talk or say hi
but, I always saw her. When going back to home using ktm, saw her and many times lar.
Well, before Jackie and someone else, she actually is my first college crush tho.
I don't think she will read my blog sooooo is I'm safe.
And I don't think Vincent will ask me to delete this post because of this issue, right?
Well, just few minutes ago, me and my parents went to pet shop, wow!!!
The Golden Retriver!!!!!!!
soooo big sooo cute!!!
Maybe he will comes to my house tomorrow.
Freedom....Fly away!
Written by
, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 11:41 AM, in
I'm not from this world.
Is obvious that I got some sounding from him lar. He also told me, not to write soooo many things about me, afraid will give a negative image and nothing much about private information. So in friendster I will soon edit the "about me" section. And also I will not be able to give my msn and yahoo account. He said I can give if Xian already know him/her but avoid giving it thru online (maybe a leng lui or two, I will give hahaha).
He also wanted me not to touch any sensitive issues. He afraid I will get my butt into ISA's. lol
So no vulgary, no sensitive issues and no whatever.
Geez....Where the hell am I going to have my freedom???????
Even Art.10 of ECHR allows me to have freedom to express whatever whatever. lolz
hate it...!!
(btw, is it art.10??? hah!!!)
Oh ya, Shah Rukh Khah, goona be a Datuk.
wow! He's given because he was in Malacca doing some film. Promoting Malacca!
He's not even a Malaysian, man!!!
And does he knows what's a Datuk means??????
I do agree with some article saying that, now Datuks-ship is given to not so good people and didn't even contributed to contry. Some say datuk-ship can be....Sh! sensitive issue here.
Well, if the the Indian mega superstar can be given accolade. WHY WON'T I also get the same thing in the future? Maybe the cabbies who bring in foreigners to Malacca, also can be consider as promoting Malacca, yes yes, we should give the cabbies the Datuk-ship. hahahaa!
Funny Malaysian.
Written by
, Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 7:02 PM, in
statisfied consumer~
For the first time, I didn't curse the KTM train.
The train today waited for me, too.
I reached home freakin early.
Xian gives 5 stars!!!!!
Kena Tagged.......Thanks to Sylvea. XD
Written by
, Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 1:05 AM, in
You kena tag
B.) Tag 12 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C.)Continue this game by sending it to other people
Seriously I don't much people to tag with.
I had been tryin to stuff....
02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off
03. What had happened at 10.00 am today?
04. When did you last cry?
05. Believe in fate/destiny?
06. What do you want in your life right now?
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains,or just put up your hood?
08.What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
14. What are you proud of?
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
17. Do you have any nicknames?
18. What does you last received text message say?
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
20. Are you currently happy?
21. Who gives you best advice?
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
24.Is anyone bugging you right now?
25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
26. Do you wear toe socks?
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
32. What is the colour of your room?
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
34. Do you believe in the saying of:talk is cheap?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
38. Do you have a life?
39. Have you ever think someone died,when they really didn't die?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
44. What are you listening right now?
45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes opened or close?
47. Is there a quote you live by?
48. Do you want someone you cannot have?
49. Have you ever played an instrument? Piano....My friend taught me a sesat song. Giutar....acting like I know how...Flute....
50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
51. What are you doing last night at 11 pm?
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
53. What song best describe your love life?
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
55. Who always make you laugh?
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
57. Favourite website (s)blogs
JE. Chak. Zhek.
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
Staying at home. NONO, going to check out my new house.
60. What do you think you are like?
Am lazy to answer....
61. Who will you choose to die with?
62. Where have you been today?
24 hours inside the house.
63. What game do you play often?
IQ games....and psp games also.
64. Who are you missing right now?
65. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose?
Chose the middle. Myself.
66. What are you doing right now?
WO DE TIAN.....I'm stuck on doing this.....thanks to my dear pork chop. Is 100 questions....
67. Which primary school are you from?
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
Black, Blue and follow my mood.
69. What emotion you like to show?
70. What is your life to you?
Full of challenges.
71/ If you have something troubling you,what will you do?
Kick his ass.
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
Privacy. Privacy. Art.8 of ECHR, I have the right to privacy. (okay for European.)
73. Who do you admire most?
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
76. What is the time now?
77. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
Is 3D. according to them...Got red lar, brown lar, and orange lar.
79. Why are you doing this test?
IS 100 questions.....Do you enjoy?
80. What do you do when you're moody?
81. At which age you wish to get married?
82. Who is more important to you?
My mum.
83. If today is the last day of your life,what will you do?
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
In Malaysia, you can only see 3 to 4 colours....
86. If you have a dream come true,what would it be?
87. What is your goal for this year?
Do I really need to mention?
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
89. What feeling do you love most?
I'm too sleepy to think. Next.
90. Do you really think it's global warming now?
It'd started years ago.
91. What feeling do you hate the most?
......being annoyed. Humilated......
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you most?
95. What do you think is the most important thing in you life?
96. What will you bring when you fight?
My katana? Brass knuckle?
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
Not much,but i do regret not doing a lot of stuff
98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Like I cared.
99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Kick the guy's nut first. Then, ditch the girl.
100. How do you feel now?
Written by
, Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 11:37 PM, in
back back back back
FINALLY I'M back!!
Can critise people!!
Is a long story actually.
Is the same thing with my old blog. But I dunno how, why, when. Thanks to Cathy, my blog is revived!!
she did some magic, I think!
Yes, she must have did something!!!
Wo de Tian!!
Finally, I'm back!!!!
Exam is just around the corner, say, less than 14 days?
What do we call that? Love?
Written by
, Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 10:26 PM, in
is it really important for you to have love?
I think people can have lot of crushes but true love only comes once in a while. Do you readers agree?
So what I'm thinking is just a point of view. Xian saw many of my friends putus cinta and I'm worried as well. Cause its really painful. But Life must goes on right? hehehe
Every girls always wanted to feel secured from their boyfriends. Xian also believe that guys need the same. Whatever y'all disagreed, I don't give a damn. Xian Tian will still say guys need it as well. However, funny as it seems. This leads to jealousy! hahaha! funny!
When one meets another. You then started to 'regisiter' your interest. You do all kind of stuffs to lure his/her attention. Is obvious right? One of my friend who is very lanci(sombong lar) done all those silly and stupid things just to get the girl, who is now his girlfriend. Of course Xian are happy to see them together lar. Time against time, created love. What I mean is love need time. Xian do not believe in love in a first sight (there again, is not subjected to y'all to agree). Cause I believe feeling is the most important thing. Love in a first sight is just an interest or a crush. How can one suddenly in love with somebody if you meet him/her for the very first time? Amazing.
There is secret love, too. You like somebody but you hide yourself under the tree hoho
Curi-curi de ai is very hard o. You do not know his/her feeling to you yet you need to pretend there nothing there. So brace yourself and tell him/her! lol
No matter what is the outcome, you had tried your best. No need to be regret. In fact you will be relieve. All those stupid feelings hide under your heart will burst if you don't let them know.
Is amazing at times, like what my friend told me, when you looking for one, you cannot see it, when it appears, you didn't notice! I believe its true, though. Xian Tian actually never notice this girl before. In fact Xian actually interested with another girl. Slowy, Xian didn't know either how XIAN started to develop some feelings to this girl. hahaha really funny. I finally let her know how I feel. Even thought we are not something more than just a friend. Xian wish her well. We are always will be friends.
Well, the reason for me to babble here is because of my dear friends who get upset over the broke up. I felt funny when they said they want to threaten themself to die. I think is a foolish act. Dumb. But Xian do think the guys are stupid, too. When a girl said she give everything for you, that's the girl you should treassure it. Funny lar. Love sometimes ruin ur freakin' life away.
Better watch out.
Written by
, at 5:15 PM, in
sorry guys, the sassy with MR.Daniel had been cancelled.
Mr.Daniel will be free on saturday.
So if somebody wants to have sassy with him on saturday, do let me know ya!
Last Day
Written by
, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 7:15 PM, in
sweet days
After one night in Ipoh, the experiences are great and wonderful. How I hope that the holiday+work are not as late as now. Exam is coming soon. I was happyily doing my work and having fun rooming around the city but with guilty pressure in my heart. lolz
Today is the last day of mine to be lazy, have fun, play games and online for long hours.
I'd determined to study hard during this 4 days. Xian really need to get started after all of his friends had started doing their revision. I wouldn't want to lose behind them. I don't care what the pressure and stress level I am having, just imagine you can get great grades for your result. Is wonderful, right? Having these pressure is fun and challenging. I love this kimochi (feeling).
Thus, I have to start to online less now. Maybe will online at night time, will try to avoid online as much as possible and try not to online during the day. My another rules will be avoiding late night sleep. Hopefully by before mid night, I should head to bed.
Anyway, this friday will be coming down to college to have sassy with Mr.Daniel. Who is interested you may contact me and let me know about it. And ya, I will be going out to times square, erm, this I'm not inviting y'all to come. hahaha
Anyway, two friends of mine had started to motivate me to study like hell.
The first friend, Lily, she really determined to study like crazy this whole week (CHECK HER BLOG AND YOU WILL KNOW) and she also voluntereed to wake me up every morning...! THANK YOU SO MUCH. The next person is Sylvea, she willing not to online anymore, I mean not anymore lar, until her exam is over. lolz I bet she's studying right now. Either both of them lar.
Tomorrow is Hari Raya.
I suppose if this is last year, Xian very sure that Xian won't be studying but playing games...!
Well, wishing those who celebrate Hari Raya, receive lots of duit raya and have fun...!
And to those who taking spm, pmr, a-levels or whatever exam y'all having, good luck!!
Gambatte kudasai!!!
More pix to be post soon.
What a day!
Written by
, at 12:20 AM, in
pix pix

Fahrenheit's member's translated blogs
Written by
, Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 5:14 PM, in
this website is for those bananas who cannot read chinese characters...(ahem* me, etc)
I found it useful (for bananas lar) and interesting.
Drop in and check it out.
I still wanna go to the concert....
and Shoo off this f***ing stress.
Any ideas how? lolz
IPOH here I come...!
Written by
, at 11:25 AM, in
stress go away...
Stress mah, need to relax, my friend told me. And I remember Mr.Edgar (my Buss lecturer), he told us that you want to play, play like crazy but when you need to study, study seriously. lolz Okay, the term play is for you to define. I'm eating Mr.Edgar's advice and relax to the max....! At least kill of the stress level and be cool.
I promised myself I have to give my heart to study after returning from Ipoh and I already ensure that I will never, never participate any extra activities from my label. They agreed I will be on hiatus until my exam is over.
I wonder will they sponsor me to watch Fei Lun Hai's concert if I said I want to learn something from them???
Imagine this:
Xian: Hey, Vincent Ge, can I go for the Fei Lun Hai's First concert?
Vincent: What the hell? You think our company is what? Your benefactor???
Xian: Nonono, I can gain some experiences from this concert!
Vincent: WTF? Like how?
Xian (hesitating): how to charm, learn how to pose and er...whatever I can learn la
Think for awhile*
Vincent: sh!t Your right! I'm going to book the VIP seat for you. Go and enjoy.
Xian (trying to stay cool): Vincent, I will TRY my best to learn!! XD
(OKAY, THIS IS FOR COMIC RELIEF PURPOSE, I'm having stress, apa you mau kisah?)
I'm not bringing back any souvenir. I'm vacationing+working in Ipoh...But I will get something for Sylvea. Yes, Sylvea only. Don't think something else, is for her birthday present (maybe a birthday card or two XD)
Yesterday and Today
Written by
, Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 12:29 PM, in
Shining days
Okay, let me talk about my adventure with Joseph and Ayush, two days ago.
1 pm+: Having lunch in McD.
: Then Joseph called, asked Ayush where are we. Minutes later, Joseph join us.
: While he eating and shaking the French Fries, he received a call. His friend needed our
as her car broke down. Well, I don't mind lending a hand and see how miserable will
be. And aslo as an excuse to go in late for the business class XD. Well, Ayush will helps as
long as the friend is a girl. XP
: The journey begins now. Joseph or her friend misinterpreted, we walk back to our
college, and head near to the Chinese Temple. The hell begins here. Joseph called again,
we walked back to McD and this we walk near to the LRT. Then SALAH LAGI! We walked back to the Temple and walk across the bridge. WHAT A PAIN!! under the hot sun some more.
Everyone were sweating and babbling around lolz
2pm+: Times flew by, the class started and WE are walking around the city while Joseph
caryying his fries and nuggets lolz After walking here and there (I dunno where are we)
Finally, yes, finally we found her friend, Ms.L and her friend inside the black Proton wira.
According to Joseph, her car broke down few times already. FOR HEAVEN's SAKE
change the car lar. Upon reaching there we just do the talk. Actually, Ms.L wanted us to
tolak the car to somewhere near the roundabout. HELO? WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF
sit inside her car. lol. RAIN mah. Apa mau buat? lol Later while, the tow truck came.
Sweat. Can you imagine that if our parents coincidencely passed by and saw us??? I don't
know what to say. XD And Vincent....if he knows....what the F*** I'm doing....ha.ha.ha
After much work and effort, we finally got back to college. The journey doesn't end
here. Suddenly, Joseph's leg cramp! The chain of leg cramp didn't stop, when I reached the
college entrance, MY TURN PULAK!! SHIT! I was wishing that AYUSH to get the same
thing!! UNFAIR!! Oh well, our Mission can be considered successful. XD
Okay, after much of the drama and play. I do think I lost weight, at least a bit le. lolz.
I was surprise that somebody told me I had changed.
I am different that last time, according to my friends. Actually, I do think the same. My dear friends told me I used to be cold to strangers. Wouldn't get friendly soooo fast with strangers. I think I know why. hahaha But I'm not going to tell readers about it.
These two days, I had chatted with one of my close friend, Ah Chan. lol I think he changed a lot, too. Nothing I can do about it, right? Changes make people feels different and weird. But that's their business. What should I care?
Duno what title I should put.
Written by
, Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 10:23 PM, in
I really can woke up le!! Amazing!! Wake up calls are so effective. Ha.ha!!
Well, I do think is good, but it ended up being soooooo sleepy and tired during classes.
Tomorow, people will ponteng! Great, really great! They going to have a great time studying at home. At least they have 12 hours more than me....!
So in order not to lose to them, I plan to bangun awal again! hahaha From the greatest courtesty of Pei Yen, again!! ARIGATO!
I'm a kiasu person. I admit I'm.
Hate to lose, Hate Failures.
Mr.Daniel told me that the reason why I being lazy is because I'm having stress. Am....I?
OMG, stress is hidden within you...! BEWARE...LOLZ